The director of "get the knives" said that the heroine of Ana de Armaas receives letters from fans


The director and screenwriter of the detective "get the knives" Ryan Johnson regularly pleases fans with interesting materials in connection with their sensational picture. So, recently, Johnson confirmed that I-Mail Martha Cabrera, which An Ana de Armaas played in the film, really works. Moreover, it turned out that the audience began to actively write at this address. One of the producers to "get the knives" told Johnson, which by now March received over 200 letters.

It is very cool - one of our producers decided to check the email address that Marta used to "get knives",

- Posted Johnson on his official page on Twitter.

The director of

By this post, the director added a screenshot, which he received from the producer of Nikos Karamagios. In the picture you can see that many fan letters come to the post office with a variety of content: from "Congratulations, March" and "Who blackmails you?" Before the "excellent film" and "I love to" get knives "." However, the most people had a mysterious signature in one of the letters:

This is Homer Simpson.

Recall that I recently received an official announcement that "get the knives" will be continued. Johnson plans to take another film led by Benoa Blanom in the performance of Daniel Craig. This time, a private detective is to take for some new confusing business.

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