The novelization of the "Star Wars" revealed the crazy fact about the Father Rei


The origin of Rey was one of the main secrets of the newest trilogy of "Star Wars". Although in the "last Jedii" Kaylo Ren says that Rei Parents were "nobody", in Skywalle. Sunrise "Spectators Finally learn that Father Rey has to Sil Emperor Shiva Palpatin. Trying to cover your daughter from the evil Sitha, the Ray's parents escaped to Jakku soon after the birth of her daughter and were eventually forced to sacrifice themselves for her salvation. Such a turn made a stunning effect, but it turned out that it was not all. As it became known from the ninth "star wars" ninth, in fact, Father Rei was an unsuccessful clone Palpatine.

As you can see, in the episode "Skywalker. Sunrise "Palpatine appears in a different bodily shell than it was in the two previous trilogy. Before his death in "Returning Jedi" Shiv, his consciousness in the body-clone, which was susceptible to decomposition and looked just like his original appearance. In the book, this transition from one body to another is described as "imperfect", so Palpatine's minions tried to create a new body for their idol. The text summarizes that one of their attempts turned "useless, weak failure." This clone was rejected as a suitable shell for Palpatine, but he was allowed to live his life - it was this man who later gave the life of Ray.

In other words, Rey accounts for Palpatin not quite traditional granddaughter. It is interesting that in the world of "Star Wars" such a "clone" relationship has already been encountered. When Dzhango Fette agreed to become a lecturer for the Republican clone army on the planet Kamino, as a partial payment, he received an unchanged clone, who was old as an ordinary person, - Bob Fett appeared on the world. In addition, the former Supreme Leader was also clone.

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