"Argument" Christopher Nolana recognized the most anticipated film 2020


According to the portal Fandom, Nolana film is recognized as the most expected premiere of 2020. The plot of the paintings is kept in the strictest mystery. It is known that the action will occur at different points of the globe. In addition, the plot will be somehow connected with the space-time continuum. Perhaps some of the events will develop in the inverse time sequence. Robert Pattinson in one of the interviews reported that the script was so crazy that three different films were fed at one movie. What is hidden behind these words, viewers will only learn after the premiere.

In addition to Pattinson ("Twilight"), John David Washington ("Players", "Black Claver"), Elizabeth ("Great Gatsby", "Agents A.N.K.L.") ("Sea of ​​Love", "On the Breast of Love"), Aaron Taylor-Johnson ("Become John Lennon", "Pipetz") and others.

Places from the second to the tenth in the top of the Fandom took films: "Miracle-Woman 1984", "Black Widow", "Dune", "Godzilla vs King Cong", "Vienna 2", "Eternal", "007: Not Time to die "," Morbius "," Fast and Furious 9 ".

The premiere of the film "Argument" will take place on July 17, 2020. For Christopher Nolana, it will be the fifth film, which starts the show on the third week of July.

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