Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of "Blohenshot"


Published shots from the Blohenshot militant, the premiere of which will take place this month. On these frames, viewers can see all the main characters and the villains of the film.

The fighter is based on the comics of the Valiant Comics publishing house about the deceased Morpene Rae Harrisone (Win Diesel), which was resurrected using nanotechnology, but lost the memory of the former life. Nanotechnology turned Harrison to the perfect car for the murder - Blohenshot. At some point, the memory is returned to Bargishot, and he comes out of submission.

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of
Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

Win Diesel, Sam Houuen and Aisa Gonzalez on the new frames of

The film should be the first in the Valiant's film created by the film-depleted superheroes, after his premiere are scheduled to shoot a sequel, and then several more films about other comic characters. But in front of wine, Diesel is not an easy task to make these plans with reality. It is not known how randomly the coincidence, but the Character of Comics Boldship appeared after the release of the militant "Universal Soldier", and his story and superposses are not much distinguishable from the fact that the audience is known about the Universal Soldier GR-44. For the successful creation of a new film-depleted guilt, Diesel will have to win in the hearts of the audience Jean-Claude Wang Damma and Dolph Lungeren at the same time.

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