Sam Raymi told why replaced standard web shooters to organic in "Man-spider"


Sam Raymy was the man who stood at the head of the first large screening of comics about a spider man. And although in the 2002 picture of the same name, the director tried to preserve the maximum loyalty to the original source, he still decided to change one important detail associated with the reincarnation of Peter Parker in Superhero: If Peter's comics personally made his web shooters, then in the film he produces a web directly from His wrists. What exactly prompted Raymi to change a few canon?

In fact, to supply Peter Parker organic web shooters offered another James Cameron. The fact is that before the "man-spider" led Raymi, this project over the years passed from one studio to another. In the 1990s, Cameron took for the development of the film, which had even been able to draw a rough version of the script. Subsequently, his developments were used by Rayim and Writer David KEPP, who decided to leave the Peter organic web shooters.

Sam Raymi told why replaced standard web shooters to organic in

In an interview with Fangoria Raymi commented on this change in that the organic emitting of the web was better fit into the concept of adulthood Peter Parker than a kind of artificial adaptation. According to Rayim, the Spiderman "can move around the walls and jump from one building to another", so he did not need to invent his own "spider substance", because his mutation "in itself involves the development of a web." Someone such a move seemed strange, but still it is worth recognizing that, thanks to this, Peter's mutation really looks more realistic.

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