Hearing: Universal restarts the "Mummy" of 1999 with Ryan Gosling in the lead role


The last two attempts studio Universal restart the stories of their classic monsters were not crowned with success: "Dracula" (2014) did not justify the expectations and was immediately forgotten, and the commercial and critical indicators of Mummy (2017) killed any prospects for creating an intended "dark film " However, Universal is not going to give up. According to We Got This Cover with reference to its sources, the studio wants to release a new version of Mummy, offering a major role in this project Raan Gosling.

Hearing: Universal restarts the

According to rumors, the idea is to make a remake, which in the spirit will be closer to the "Mummy" of 1999, and not to the classic Horror-called Horror with Boris Carloff, published in the early 1930s. As shown by bitter experience with the previous "mummy" led by Tom Cruise, the attraction of the star of the Gosling caliber does not guarantee success at all, so the scenarios of the next restart should be very tried, invented a fresh history that can interest the modern viewer.

Hearing: Universal restarts the

Recall that quite recently, Universal released Horror "Invisible Man" with Elizabeth Moss. The film Lee Wonnell immediately won the location of both critics and ordinary spectators, having collected for the first days at the box office. Perhaps an example of this picture will encourage UNIVERSAL and in the future to bet on less large-scale projects in which, however, a clear author's handwriting will be traced.

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