Dissatisfied Mulan fans explained why there is no dragon Mush in the rem


Mulan will not only be the first Disney game remake with the PG-13 rating ("Children under 13 browsing is not desirable"), but also one of the most expensive studio projects with a budget in the area of ​​$ 200 million. At the same time, it is extremely interesting, will the film will achieve Success, because in him, unlike the "King of Lion" and "Aladdin", the rate is not done on nostalgia, humor and songs, but for realism and drama. In connection with such a radical rethinking of the original in the remote, there was also no place to make a dragon Mush, which disappointed many viewers.

Dissatisfied Mulan fans explained why there is no dragon Mush in the rem 106456_1

In response to this, Professor of the University of South Carolina Stanley Rosen, specializing in Chinese politics and society, in conversation with The Hollywood Reporter explained:

Mushha was very popular in the United States, but in China, it was imbued with extreme dislike. This miniature dragon has won their culture.

According to Producer Jason Reed, Disney and the script team held a lot of time, discussing how they find the right tone for the new Mulan. As a result, the creators concluded that it should be a more realistic and serious story in which the subtext will not be pronounced through the songs, and the calling moments do not have to mitigate due to jokes.

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"It is necessary to show that this is a story about the war. But how to do it under the disney brand, which does not give the opportunity to show violence? In this we for the rescue came great locations. Batal scenes shot in a picturesque valley allow you to disguise the horror of mortal contractions. I am very proud of these scenes. They are very beautiful and epic - but it can still be shown to children. No blood. This is not the "game of thrones", "this comment gave the director of the picture of Niki Karo.

The premiere of Mulan is scheduled for March 26 of this year.

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