Neil Degras Tyson found a mistake in the "scientifically accurate" "arrival" 2016


Deni Villenev's film "Arrival", published in 2016, was encountered with open arms, both fans of science fiction and critics and turned out to be among the best films of decades. The picture of the attempts of mankind to communicate with representatives of extraterrestrial life not only received many prestigious nominations, but also earned praise for scientific accuracy.

Neil Degras Tyson found a mistake in the

As it turned out, Willonev and his team thoughtfully thought out, as the whole story will be revealed, and at each stage of work consulted with linguists and physicists. True, Neil degrads Tyson, who is considered one of the most vivid representatives of the astrophysics of recently, the other day, suddenly stated that it was not less important from a scientific point of view, an error was nevertheless.

Neil published a post in Twitter in which he wondered, "there were circular patterns drawn by the aliel depicted in a mirror reflection, because the alien painted them on the reverse side of the transparent glass wall." He meant various symbols that extraterrestrial creatures were used in the film, trying to communicate with the character of Amy Adams.

True, astrophysics waited for disappointment. Film critic Lindsay Ellis quickly responded to his post, stating that "this is explained in the film." Next, she added that he would not want to challenge the opinion of such an expert as Degasse Tyson, but his attack "for some reason really annoying."

By the way, Ellis was supported by other fans of Villenev's creativity, which literally ridiculed Tyson. For example, one of them noted that he finds an entertaining assumption that an incredibly intelligent, expensive to space travels of creatures do not represent how inscriptions work on glass, while others also offered to ignore astrophysics for his pompous judgments and inability to recognize mistakes.

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