Five questions to "twilight", which did not give clear answers


The main disputes around the franchise turned over after the exit of the next three parts, each of which was removed by different directors with their style and the vision of history. However, a few questions remained to the most favorite fans of the first film.

Why are younger Callena constantly return to school?

Edward mentioned that the more young they appear in the New Town, the longer they could stay in it. But how do they not go crazy from endlessly repetitive lessons, homework, exams and other routins of school everyday life? And is it really so important? It is worth noting that the younger Callena did not even try to fit into the team, holding all the distance from all.

Five questions to

Being on the official version of the adoptive children, they met each other and did not even try to tie a friendly relationship with someone else. Suppose Self-controlling of Jasper left much to be desired, but the rest of such a problem was not. Judging by the first appearance of Callens in the film, they did not just have failed to merge with the crowd, but also attracted the increased attention of other schoolchildren.

Why Bella so calmly responded to an incident with a car that could cost her life?

Yes, Edward saved her. Yes, Bella's attention was distracted by its supernatural strength and speed, but the fact remains: if not Callen, the Swan could say goodbye to life. It's funny that all other schoolchildren, including the culprit himself, really frightened for her and hurried to call ambulance. The heroine itself did not even pay attention to this, absorbed by his thoughts about Edward, and not about his possible death. It is also difficult to write off everything on shock, because later on the hospital bed Bella was still the same calm and indifferent to everything other than a mysterious classmate.

Why did Belle need a book about the legends of the tribe of the quilets?

After the "horror strokes", Jacob about Cullena and Chella's quileats did what any teenager would have threw out information. The search engine gave her a list of books, for one of which she went to the store, which is an hour away from her house. Thus, late in the evening and there was a malfunctional meeting of the heroine with a group of unfriendly guys, from whom Edward saved her again. However, the whole story simply does not make sense, because according to the result, Swan opened the book only if it is to stumble upon the term "cold" and find all the necessary information on the network. So why was it to buy a book if Bella could faster get the right answers, spend it a little more time in Google?

Five questions to

Why calmine did not try to find "bad" vampires?

It is strange that they immediately did not respond to the murder that occurred in Forx. Carlisle personally examined the victim's corpse and realized who was borrowed in the death of man. So why Callene did not go to search for killers? If they really wanted to stay in the city and not to pay for the anger of the Indians, with whom they once concluded an agreement, would not be logical to find vampires, creating the earliest in their territory and potentially acclating to the Bed family?

Five questions to

Edward reads thoughts, Alice sees the future, Emmett has an impressive physical force, and Carlisle - knowledge and experience. It is unlikely that "vegetarians" would be difficult to find the bold trinity and politely ask them to leave. As a result, it was the inaction of Cullens that led to the fact that Jacob and the rest of the Indians began to reincarnate in a weaken to restore the balance of power in Forx.

How does Charlie stay in the form, eating only harmful food from the diner?

Bela's father likes most Twilight fans. He is a caring father who sincerely tries to restore communication with his daughter, and a responsible police officer who protects his hometown. However, there is one fact that will derive any person followed by his figure. How Charlie himself confessed to Belle, he eats fast food in the diner every night. But, despite the volumes of fried potatoes and fried steaks, the hero can remain in shape. Either patrol burns a lot of calories, or in Charlie impressively rapid metabolism.

Five questions to

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