Hearing: Brad Pitt will join Leonardo Dicaprio in the Western Martina Scorsese


According to SCREENMIX, unnamed sources shared information that the Oscar owner for "once in ... Hollywood" Brad Pitt hopes to enter the acting film Martina Scorsese "Killer of the Flower Moon", the main roles in which Leonardo Dicaprio and Robert de Niro . In addition, according to the same sources, the information was confirmed that the film budget would be $ 225 million. In order to provide the scorsener of such a budget, Paramount will have to work on a film in collaboration with NetFlix.

Hearing: Brad Pitt will join Leonardo Dicaprio in the Western Martina Scorsese 106463_1

The film will be filmed according to the book written by a journalist David Grandmn in 2017 and instantly became a bestseller. The picture will tell about the investigation of the FBI of the killings of the Indians in the early 1920s, after oil was discovered on their lands. As the pictures of the Scorsese himself told about the plot:

The Astana Scenery tribe drove into terrible land. But they were able to love these places and console themselves that white would not want to take these territories. But then on the lands of Sedzhev discovered oil. And, as in Yukon and in Colorado, white vultures appeared on the news about minerals. And there have been such orders that it was easier to go to jail for the murder of a dog than for the murder of the Indian. This story is out of time.

The filming of the film starts next month in Oklahoma. The film's premiere is scheduled for 2021.

Hearing: Brad Pitt will join Leonardo Dicaprio in the Western Martina Scorsese 106463_2

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