Universal shields an erotic novel "Mr." from the author "50 shades of gray"


Studio Universal Pictures won in fierce auction for the right to shield a new novel E.L. James Mr., who became a bestseller in 2019. It is translated into 33 languages ​​and was in the list of bestsellers New York Times for 9 weeks. E.L. James will join the film as a producer.

Universal shields an erotic novel

The current chairman of the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group Donna Langley was led by Universal Pictures. It is thanks to her persistence that the entire trilogy of the "fifty shades" was engaged in the Universal Studio. Total three films brought more than a billion dollars, reappeting the costs of their shooting. With this result, you can not pay attention to five Gold Malina awards and the title of the most boring film of all time from the British NME edition.

The new Roman of the English writer is quite predictable talking about the handsome-richer Maxim Trevel, who suddenly falls in love with his maid Albank Alessia Demachi. But he still does not know that Albanian Mafia is going on her tracks, which wants to sell a girl into slavery. And Mafia, in turn, does not know what the power of Love Sir Trevevean is capable.

The novel "Fifty shades of gray" was on the list of NYT bestsellers for 133 weeks. He entered the list of 100 of the most favorite books of American readers. E.L. James was called Time magazine one of the most influential people in the world.

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