Star of the "eighth sense" Brian J Smith will play in the "Matrix 4"


Next for Erendar Ibarra in the "Matrix 4" from the "eighth sense" was moved by Brian J. Smith. In the series Netflix, he played the Chicago police officer Will Gorski. In a new project, his role is held secret, as in general, the plot of the film. It is known that in the new project Lana Vachovski are removed by Kian Reeves (Neo), Carrie Ann Moss (Trinity), Jad Pinkett Smith (Nioba), as well as Jessica Henvik, Jonathan Groff, Yakhya Abdul-Matin II, Sopra's pleasant, Max Ridesel and Others.

According to the audience, Abdul Matin II can play a young morpheus, and Henvic in a new film will be a female neo option. Vachovski removes the film on its own scenario, written in conjunction with Alexander Jemon and David Mitchell. The premiere will be held in March next year. The first three parts of the "matrix" were collected in global boxes more than 1.6 billion dollars.

Erendor Ibarra

Brian J. Smith played a major role in the TV series "Treadstone". His character, the oilman Dug McKen, finds out a very shocking truth about himself. He also starred in the TV series BBC "Peace on fire" about World War II, the premiere of which in the UK took place in September. Successfully recently develops his theatrical career.

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