Colleagues Christian Baila on "American Psychopath" considered his "worst actor" in the film


The film "Ford against Ferrari" was not the first in which Christian Bale and Josh Lucas starred together. Back in 2000, an American psychopath was released on the screens, where both actors were involved, but, as it turned out, then the game Baila did not impress his colleagues at all. Moreover, Lucas later openedly told Bail, that neither he himself nor others involved in Mary Harron, as a result of the cult film, could not understand what Christian was achieved with his character Patrick Bitman.

Colleagues Christian Baila on

In a recent interview, Bale said that other participants in the film crew thought that "he was the worst actor they had ever seen," and could not understand why the director tried so hard to attract him to the picture. The actor was considered "terrible", but, according to him, "he was completely in ignorance about this criticism."

Colleagues Christian Baila on

Fortunately, the universal opinion has changed as soon as the American Psychopath entered the screens. Looking back, it is possible to say with full confidence that the character of Christian was unreasonably, because the tape literally became a classic and deserved respect for many people who are impressive in the world's world.

And, of course, twenty years later, he will not be able to consider Baila with an inflated actor, especially if taken into account not only his ingenious game, but the physical sacrifices for which he goes for his role, then bringing herself to fully exhaustion, We gain weight again.

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