The director "Christmas for two" with Emily Clark is still upset because of the finals fused by spoilers


"Christmas for two" Fig's floor has become an excellent gift for the holiday for the audience, giving the desired atmosphere of the miracle, but, as it turned out, the film himself gave a lot of experiences to the director himself. And all of them were associated with the secret turn of the plot, conveyed in the network long before the official premiere.

The director

The thing is that in the final part of the romantic ribbon, when the joint happiness of Kate (Emilia Clark) and Toma (Henry Golding) seemed to be solved, it turns out that the Golding Character was not only long ago, but also became a heart donor For the main character. That is, in fact, the whole movie Kate holds a human ghost company who saved her life with his death.

What is curious, the saving transplantation was spent a year earlier, and in this plan, which runs the famous song of George Michael, in which the words "In the past Christmas I gave you my heart," acquires a deeper meaning.

The scene in which it turns out the truth about Tome was to become a cinematographic surprise from those who like the audience, but this did not happen because some publications and sites long before the release of Christmas on the screens on the screens, fan theories were promoted to the screens, After viewing the trailer, and thus literally merged the final.

It was unpleasant. I was very upset. I was not too upset that people tried to guess the final. What frustrated me is that the media printed their theories as spoilers, and I just never saw this happened to another film,

- Shared his emotions of FIG in an interview with Collider.

Also, the director held a parallel with the sensational ribbon to "get the knives", noting that before her premiere to anyone and in the head did not come to issue the theory for the truth about who is a killer.

I did not quite understand why they did it with a romantic comedy,

- noticed the floor.

Fortunately for the film, in the end, they can enjoy, even knowing in advance what kind of discouraging story turn is waiting ahead. After all, in any case, the audience got a pretty romantic comedy with cute characters and funny details that helps believe in the best and charge good emotions.

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