"Painting Birds" with Harley Quinn needed support in social networks after a failed rental


Going into the rental, "Painting Birds" did not produce Furrora, and many wonder what the solo film about Harley Quein and her female gang will college in the result of the cashier. Someone is ready to recognize the picture of Katie Yan disappointment, but they were also those who surrender did not intend. So, in recent days, Twitter is gaining momentum of campaign in support of "predatory birds" - in their posts, users call specific reasons why this film deserves support. Share under the #reasonstosupportbop (that is, "the reasons for maintaining" birds of prey ") scored 10 thousand tweets.

For example, "predatory birds" praise for the fact that this picture promotes the idea of ​​racial and gender diversity.

"This is a film, director and screenwriter of which is a woman Asian. Picture operator Also Asian. There are almost only women in the film - among them there are black, Latino American and Asian. In addition, there are many heroes with unconventional sexual orientation. "

Another fan has been satisfied with the effectiveness of "birds of prey", also focused on the fact that such projects benefit to all women-directors.

"The film is full of excellent action, the plot is simple, but at the same time is interesting. Unlike other comic screenings, the story here is also described differently. Thanks to this approach, DC receives more creative freedom, and it helps to women to establish themselves as directories of comic adaptations. "

Someone tried to do a deeper analysis of the film, highlighting different cinematographic advantages of "predatory birds".

"one. Well thought out scenario with significant plot arches, which are devoted to individual characters. All this merges in a whole story. 2. Characters are discharged with soul, love and respect in relation to the original source. 3. Humor in the film is characterized by sharpness, and the actors perfectly perform their task. "

Movement in support of "birds of prey" so rummaged that the director of Katy Yan's director, who left a letter of graceful message in response:

This is incredible! What's happening?! Thank you very much! It's so nice. I'm very happy.

The popularity of the #REASONSTOSUPPORTBOP is still increasing. This means that the fans of "predatory birds" have achieved, at least online. The future will show whether it will affect the rolling indicators of the picture. While worldwide, the film about Harley Queen has collected $ 145 million upon budget in the area of ​​$ 85-100 million.

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