Harrison Ford replied why he returned to "Star Wars. Skywalker. Sunrise "after the death of Khan


It's hard to believe, but the film "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "came out on the screens for two months ago. Working on the final episode of Skayookers, director Jey Jay Abrams, tried to finish the history of all his favorite heroes from previous films. To do this, the director somehow returned a trio of classic characters in the face of Skywalker's lying (Mark Hamill), lei organs (Cary Fisher) and Khan Solo (Harrison Ford).

Harrison Ford replied why he returned to

Responding to a question about the unexpected "resurrection" of his hero after death in the "awakening of power", Ford said:

Jay Jay told me: "I think it's a good idea, and since it seems to me a good idea, I would like you to return to your role."

Recall that in the seventh episode of "Star Wars", Khan Solo was killed by his son Ben, which thus wanted to strengthen his new identity, becoming Kaylo Ren. At that time it seemed that this was the last appearance of Ford in the Universe of "Star Wars", but in Skywalker. Sunrise "He unexpectedly appeared in the form of a sleep or vision, which was Ben.

Interestingly, it is still on the work on the episode "Empire causes a retaliatory blow" (1980) Ford asked George Lucas to Khan Solo suffered death. Remembering this case, the actor explained that at that time his character would seem to have exhausted himself, so he was the time to get off the scene, dies as a real hero. Obviously, now Ford can be pleased with how the life of Khan Solo was interrupted.

Harrison Ford replied why he returned to

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