"It looks intriguing": a cheetah poster from "Miracle Women: 1984" appeared on the network


The upcoming film DC "Miracle Woman: 1984" is expected with great enthusiasm, but now the fan's dust can be slightly cold. The other day the picture was leaked on the Internet, on which Kristen Wig is allegedly depicted in the image of the cheetah - it was this heroine that should be the opponent of Diana Prince in the second part of the "Women's Miracle".

According to some fans, this version of the cheetah looks discouraging, causing the Musical Music "Cats". "And this is the main villain in Sicvel? I'm not even sure that I think "," the continuation of the "cats" is really intriguing "," Wait, so not this "first glance" in Kristen Wig in the image of a cheetah? ", - Discuss the fans strange art.

However, not all users are skeptical: "Seeing Kristen Wig in the image of a cheetah in the upcoming film" Miracle Woman: 1984 ", you need to admit that now we have hope finally see that film adaptation" loudspek ", which we deserve! If you give Kristen Staff and supernatural speed, then the exit will be real reader! ".

The authenticity of the poster with Chepada raises questions, while Warner Bros. And DC has not yet responded to the alleged leakage. Whatever it was, the answers to all questions, the audience will have quite soon - "Miracle Woman: 1984" will be released on June 4 of this year. As in the case of the first part, Patty Jenkins will be the director of the sequel, while Gadote Galot will return to the role of the title heroine.

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