The scenario for the Sicvel "Dr. Strange" will write by the series "Rick and Morti" and "Loki"


As the authoritative edition of The Hollywood Reporter, the Writer of the film "Dr. Strøndj and Multiveselenny Madness" will become Michael Valdron. At the moment, he is working on Loki's television series, another project from the film marvel, and earlier managed to participate in the creation of a famous animated series for adults "Rick and Morty".

The scenario for the Sicvel

Convidence of Valdron such a large-scale project as the Sicvel "Dr. Strupja", Marvel Studios, apparently, is pleased with his contribution to the development of "Loki". As for the director of the upcoming picture, while this place remains vacant. Initially, the production was entrusted to Scott Derrickson, but by unnamed reasons he left his post. Now Marvel is in finding a new person to this position, earlier a rumor was that the selection of the studio fell on Sam Rami, which is known as the author of the "Spiderman" trilogy with Toby Maguire in the lead role.

The scenario for the Sicvel

The release of the "Dr. Strange and Multiveselenny Madness" is scheduled for May 7, 2021. There are no information about the content of the film yet. It is assumed that the plot will be echoing with the events of the Wanda / Vision series, and among the leading characters there may be an allay witch.

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