Harley and Gunn: James Gunn hinted on the crossover of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Suicide Detachment"


For the world of comics, crossovers are the usual business. Yes, and in the screenings already appeared curious combinations of popular characters. But it seems the most incredible, and therefore the legendary crossover of all time is still ahead, because James Gunn has mentioned that he wants to bring two very different heroes in the same film from the Universe DC and Marvel.

Recently, one of the fans asked the director in Twitter a provocative question:

If you could choose one character from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and one of the "suicide squad" so that they meet each other, who would these characters?

And the answer of Gunn was very intriguing. He stated that he had already discussed in detail from Margo Robbie "and thinks that Harley and Groats may have incredible joint adventures. Also, James noticed that "there are other excellent combo", however, as an example, he cannot be brought as an example, since the details of the plot of the "suicide squad" are still held in secret.

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"A frame from my film # Harlyigut, look at theaters in the 2000 brand year"

Yes, at first glance, the choice of Harley Quinn and the garden may seem strange, and he, in fact, opens a huge space for exciting history. These characters are completely different, but it is their opposition that can make a joint film very curious. Harley will surely find a living plant fascinating, and the pecto in the presence of such a shaver character will probably begin to grow faster and acquire new fun habits and features.

True, given that this project will require a large collaboration of Marvel and DC, it is hardly worth counting on its implementation in the near future. But some surprises can wait for fans and in the "suicide detachment". The film's premiere is scheduled for August 6, 2021.

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