NetFlix spent $ 100 million to promote his films on filmmakes


According to the information presented in Wall Street Journal, Netflix Strengthening service did not regret the impressive amount of $ 100 million to achieve Nominations for Oscar and other awards for their films such as "Irishman" and "Wedding Story". The published report presents:

According to assessments of insiders from the industry, Netflix spent more than $ 100 million on a special promotion - the lion's part of these funds went to promote the "Irish" Martin Scorsese and the "marriage history" of Noa Bumbak. Such expenses significantly exceed the amounts around $ 5 to $ 20 million, which traditional studios are usually spent for one film for such purposes.

Публикация от The Irishman (@theirishmanfilm)

This information confirms New York Times, but the director of Netflix for the production of original films Scott Stuber has already made a refutation, stating that the figures presented are significantly overestimated. According to him, NetFlix behaves "very reasonable" in terms of policies to promote their projects to receive awards.

I do not think that we do something that do not do all the others

- added Stuber.

Note, NetFlix's films are one of the main favorites of the upcoming Oscar, having received a record number of nominations - 24. For comparison, last year it was 15. However, the nominations and the investments standing for them do not guarantee that a particular film in the end Get a cherished statuette.

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