James Gunn called the Bumblebee Star John Sin "One of the best actors"


John Sina made an impressive career, turning out of the restlore in a popular actor, and among his recent works, "Bumblebee", "Furious 9" and the "suicide detachment". The last ribbon is headed by the director of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" James Gunn, who is still in no hurry to disclose all the cards of the future blockbuster DC; And nevertheless, he recently came as far away that he called Sin the best improvisator, with which he just had to work.

James Gunn called the Bumblebee Star John Sin

While the shooting of the "suicide detachment" is in full swing, Gunn warms the interest of fans by placing publications on social networks. There is a director and stated that "John is one of the most talented actors, and he is capable of an incredibly deep dramatic game." According to Gann, the audience will not have to admire the acting skills of Sina.

In addition, he is just a great dude,

- Added James.

"Suicide detachment" is largely a mystery, since Gunn and Warner Bros. Keep secret plot of the coming sequel. And at least the exemplary cast is already known, it is unclear who will play most of the roles. So rumors about what villains can appear during the film, multiply every day.

James Gunn called the Bumblebee Star John Sin

By the way, the most popular fan theory is that Sina can play a peacemaker. And the actor was not ashamed to ask about this leading TV show Jimmy Kimmel. True, John did not confirm anything or refute. But, considering how much his appearance is suitable for the canonical image of the peacemaker, it would be great to see it in high-tech armor and equipment that the character boasts.

The premiere of the "Suicide detachment" is scheduled for August 6, 2021.

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