The star of "American Psychopaths" told about the hatred of Kevin Smith to the cult film


"American Psychopath", shot on the name of the name of the name of Britte Ethon Ellis, invariably aroused disputes. Still, after all, the plot of the ribbons is very ambiguous, and to digest the seen, it may be necessary for some time. And recently it turned out that the first acquaintance with the film left in Kevin Smith an indelible impression.

The star of

It turned out that he actually canceled the planned dinner with Guinever Turner, a screenwriter and an actress involved in the American Psychopathy. In one of the recent interviews, she said that Smith refused to meet, sewed her voice message.

I feel bad, I can not cook dinner,

- It was stated in it.

The star of

And a few years later, at a personal meeting, the actor admitted that he hated the film with all his soul, and therefore it simply could not make him meet the one who put her hand to its creation.

And then I saw him on cable and realized that it was brilliant,

- Added Kevin.

It turns out everything that Smith was required to understand that "American Psychopath" is not a disgusting spectacle at all, but the sharp comedy, it is to revise the film for the second time. A similar advice can be given to everyone who did not progress the creation of director Mary Harron after the first acquaintance.

By the way, at Christian Bale himself, who played the main role in the film, did not have the slightest doubts that the satirical plot was in front of him. That is why he played the main character, and not Leonardo Dicaprio or Brad Pitt, who also claimed this place.

In a word, if there is so sophisticated in the comedies, like Kevin Smith, only after time he was able to appreciate the "American psychopath", you can not doubt that the rest of the audience, who have not yet been able to love this film, have every chance to do it. We just have to make yourself revise it.

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