The fans of "Joker" found in the film an invisible reference to "Batman" Tim Bertona


It was possible to expect "Joker" will not be very rich in all sorts of "Easter eggs" and hidden hints, as it is characteristic of many other comic books. In the end, the picture of Todd Phillips is not related to the extended DC Universe or any other films. Nevertheless, attentive viewers discovered a secret reference to one of the first filmmakers "Batman" in Jokera, the director of which Tim Burton became.

It is worth saying that such parallels can only trace the viewer who exists a special interest in detail and does not regret the time for their decoding. As can be seen in the frame from Batman, a brightly smashed Joker performed by Jack Nicholson runs past the paintings on which the young man is depicted in blue clothes. This scene takes place in the Museum of Art Gotam, where Joker and his gang decided to have fun vandalism.

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One of the users Reddit noticed that the reproduction of the same picture is in the living room Arthur Fale from Joker Todd Phillips. Against the background of the darkened interior, it is not so easy to see the picture, but it is not excluded that it was not accidentally placed in the frame. This picture belongs to the brush of the classic British artist Thomas Geinsborough. It was written in 1770 and is known as the "Boy in Blue". It is not reliably known, by whom it is exactly the young man, but it is believed that this is the son of a certain wealthy merchant.

It is curious that this work of Gainesboro is no longer for the first time cited in the movies. So, in the film Quentin Tarantino "Dzhango liberated" the capital hero in one of the scenes appears in the same blue clothes as the character's character.

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