James Gunn commented on competition between Marvel and DC


The confrontation between Marvel and DC fans lasts lasts, but, as it turned out, director James Gunn, who works with both companies, does not believe that there is competition between them.

Such an opinion Gunn expressed after a Twitter user with Nick Lonely Capricorn asked that the director now thinks when he began to work simultaneously with Marvel and DC, about "rivalry" and fans that oppose their friend. James replied that, in his opinion, "between Marvel and DC, probably much less competition than between Marvel, DC and all other movies."

We are, strictly speaking, in very similar boats,

Said the director. And on this he decided not to stop and stated that he did not exclude the possibility of the severity of the crossover of the two universes of comics in the future.

Hann has already removed the two parts of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" for Marvel and is now working on the trigger of the adventures of Star Lord and his team, which will be on the screens in 2022, and also develops a new version of the "suicide detachment" for DC. The premiere of the film about the adventures of Harley Queen and her criminals' friends is scheduled for August 6, 2021.

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