Hugo Wiving explained why he did not return to the "War of Infinity" and will not appear in the "Matrix 4"


In the fresh interview with Time Out Hugo Wiving, he said that he had the opportunity to return to the role of the Smith agent in the "Matrix 4", but because of the problems with a working schedule, he was forced to focus solely on the theatrical statement of the "visit", which in the coming months will be Go on the scene of the National Theater of Great Britain. For a long time, the actor did not leave hopes that he would be able to combine both projects, but as a result, the compromise was not found.

Hugo Wiving explained why he did not return to the

It turned out unsuccessfully, since the offer to play in the "visit" I received earlier than the proposal for the "matrix". I knew that there would be a fourth part, but I did not know exact dates. I thought I could have to participate in both projects. It took eight weeks to clarify the dates - until then I did not agree to the role in the "Visit". I was in touch with Lana Vachovski, but later she decided that with the dates there was still a bad luck. We tried to find a different way, but then she seemed to change his mind. In short, then it went without me,

- explained Wiving.

Hugo Wiving explained why he did not return to the

In addition, the actor said that he also had to again voice the red skull in the "Avengers: War of Infinity" and "Avengers: Final", but he was prevented by the problems with the contractual conditions:

I liked to play a red skull - it was fun. We all obliged to sign a contract for three films, but subsequently the terms of the transaction changed. My fee for participation in subsequent parts has decreased significantly, although it was originally stated that the amount on the contrary would increase. After that, the negotiations became impossible. I would not say that I really wanted to play this role, but under other circumstances I would not mind.

Shooting the fourth "matrix" should begin in February. The film premiere is scheduled for May 21, 2021.

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