Sucked: Studio Warner Bros will entrust the fate of his films with artificial intelligence


Warner Bros., which almost 20 years ago released the film "Artificial Mind", ready to fully plunge into a futuristic experiment. The studio concluded an agreement with Cinelytic and can now be able to predict the fate of his films using artificial intelligence.

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Smart development based on basic data, which includes, for example, the names of the actors engaged in the shooting, and other important criteria will be predicted, on which volumes of cash receipts can be calculated in one or another region. According to Cinelytic, its innovative software will help reduce the time that is usually spent on the execution of routine tasks. Instead, film studios will be able to focus on creating effective ideas to promote movies.

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As one of the vice-presidents Warner Bros said, "the companies have to take a lot of decisions on what and how to produce cinemas, and therefore the more precisely forecasts will be, the more you can attract the audience.

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So far, it is not clear whether artificial intelligence will really make films Warner Bros. Successful, but maybe he will at least help the company to protect themselves from crushing failures. True, you should not forget that the last word will be behind people, so, in the case of which, to blame in the whole "smart car" will not quite rightly.

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