Creators of "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "told about kisoye Rena and Rey


For many "Star Wars" lovers Kiss Rei (Daisi Ridley) and Kaylo Rena (Adam Driver), he was hardly the most long-awaited moment in the film "Skywalker. Sunrise". However, the kiss lasted only a few moments, and the love story between the characters did not receive a continuation. Commenting on this intimate episode, the editor of the ninth "Star Wars" Mariann Brandon said that the creators right up to the last moment they did not know whether to include these personnel in the final version of the film.

Creators of

In an interview with Huffpost, this, together with the director Jay Jeme Abrams and the screenwriter Chris Terry, Brandon said:

I always said: "Only the film itself will give us an answer, they kiss or not. We recognize this only at the moment when production will be close to the end. " My feelings suggested me that the kiss still should take place. Jay Jay [Abrams] agreed with me, as well as other people who watched the film. I know that this kiss will have to do not like everyone. There are also those who oppose, but we never sought to make our film like everyone. Reviews only confirm it. What one people like will disgust to others. This is the phenomenon of "Star Wars".

Creators of

Creators of

Before the release of the film, many wondered if Rei and Kaylo Ren / Ben Solo are relatives. As a result, these assumptions were not justified, but afterwards Rey still took the name Skywalker, thereby recognizing himself "sister" Kaylo Rena at the symbolic level. Such is the Diade of Power - that this mysterious phenomenon would not mean.

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