George Lucas frightened the set of roden news about the end of the world


However, the representative of Lucasfilm Lynn Hale decided to comment on terrible rumors: "I spoke with George. He joked when he spoke about the end of the world in 2012, but he sacred believes that the world is flat, that Stonehenge was built by aliens, and that the sun revolves around the Earth. This is the little thing that he usually discusses in detail with Elvis, whom he is going to insert in Indy 5 together with the list of other popular dead actors. "

Although George Lucas and his colleagues clearly have a sense of humor, Seth Rogen was simply shocked by the director's comments during their meeting, in which Stephen Spielberg also participated.

"George Lucas sat down and started a serious conversation for 25 minutes about what he thinks about the end of the world in 2012. He really believes in it, "said Seth Rogen, the Toronto Sun newspaper. - At first I thought that he was joking ... And then during this monologue began to understand that he speaks at all seriousness, and then I thought: "If you are George Lucas, and you really think that in the year there will be an end of the world , You are not looking for options to build a spacecraft for yourself ... Maybe there is a place for me? ".

Seth Rogen can joke as much as you like, however, it is already known that he will not receive a town on the Lucas spacecraft, if the end of the world comes next year.

"Seth Rogen, of course, a funny guy," continues Lynn Hale from Lucasfilm. "That's just George and Stephen already decided that they would take Cres Roca to the" millennial falcon. "

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