Hugo Wiving will play six characters at the same time


"The project is extremely interesting because all the actors play a few roles. I have, for example, six characters, and all of them are different people in six different stories from each other!", Woving said.

Recall, the director's chairs will get the creators of the "Matrix" Andy and Lane Vachovski and the director of the drama "Run, Lola, run" to the pumpkin.

Fantastic tape will tell about six reincarnations of the same soul, two of which occur in the future. "Cloud Atlas" is similar to a mirror maze, in which they echoes, layering at each other, six votes: the notary of the mid-nineteenth century, returning to the United States from Australia; a young composer forced to trade with soul and body in Europe between world wars; journalist in California of the 1970s, revealing corporate conspiracy; a small publisher - our contemporary, managed to rip the bank on the gangster autobiography of the "Shot of Castet" and running from creditors; Clone-servants from the enterprise of fast food in Korea - the country of the winning cyberpunk; and the Hawaiian Kalopasa at sunset civilization.

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