Interview with Jason Statam


When someone starts to ask you about another part of "adrenaline", what thoughts appear? And did you ever think in the third film?

As a rule, the first film always turns out better than the following. If the sequel is removed, then it usually earns a little more than on the first. I do not know if we will remove another part, no one knows. The only thing I think is that we perfectly worked with Mark Niveldaine and Brian Taylor. Now we constantly contact.

Have you heard anything about the continuation of "uncontrolled"?

Yes, I heard about Sikvel. And I would be the first to say "yes" the little. I mean, we talked while the film went to the rental and got good reviews, and we talked about what would be nice to do it again.

How long is your schedule scheduled?

Sometimes there are such moments when you are not busy anywhere. This is the first time in my life for many years. For several months I will not be busy anywhere. Every January I constituted a tight schedule, there was always something in front. And now I just wait for the work on the second part of the "outstanding".

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