"Harry Potter and Death Gifts 2" will not go to the big screen?


As Guardian.co.uk reports, four of six Majorov - Universal, Sony, Warner Bros and Fox - plan to introduce a VOD service about two months after the release of films in cinemas, which means that for $ 30 anyone can see the premiere picture without leaving at home.

Such a turn of events did not suit the owners of cinemas, and some of them decided not to ride the premieces made on the basis of the aforementioned studios. Among them was the second part of the Franchise "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", produced by Warner Bros.

"Imagine that you have a conscientious and unfinished business partner: what will you deal with? Of course, with the first. Therefore, we officially declare that we will refuse to rent movies in case the VOD service is still launched," said Head of the National Association of Cinema Owners in Interviews Financial Times.

It is worth noting that the studio Paramount expressed the categorical disapproval of the current position of things, so that the tapes "First Avenger", "Transformers: the Dark Side of the Moon", Sicvel "Kung Fu Panda" and "Thor" viewers will see without any problems.

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