Douglas Tramball will create a film using its own new technology


The details of the new filmmaker are not yet disclosed, however, it is known that Tramball has created a new Magnetar Productions and is currently in the process of developing a script. The picture will be the first film of the company.

For the first time, the intention to use a new technology appeared from Douglas in 1983 for filming "Brainstorming / Brainstorm". Then he called the shapscan method. The director was going to use a 65 mm film and shoot with a frequency of 60 frames per second, however, the film was eventually filmed using traditional technologies at that time.

At the recent Cinemacon festival, James Cameron made a statement that the film industry has long time to move from the usual 24 to 48 or 60 frames per second. It assured that the high frequency of frame change will allow to get rid of the stroboscopic effect, noticeable during the movement of the camera and action in the frame, and make a picture more clear.

Tramball agreed. He did not have the opportunity to launch his own Showscan technology for several decades ago, but recently he invented its advanced version - Showscan Digital and waits for the preparation of a patent for this method that allows you to shoot with a standard frequency of 24 frames, but already with the ability to insert up to 60 frames per second In accordance with the creative needs of directors.

"The increased frequency of the frame creates a feeling of realism. It is time when we can use any structure of shooting, which wise. And not to choose between anything, "says Douglas Tramball, confirming that the method will become a necessary tool for each modern cinematographer.

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