Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of "Oscar"


Hilary Syanka, "Guys don't cry"

Even before the direct process of filming the film "Guys do not cry", Hilary Surenh lived for more than a month in a male image - that is, it was dressed, behaved and spoke like a man. In the drama released in 1999, Hilary played a teenager-teenager Brandon Tina, whom the guys friends raped and killed after they found that in fact he was not a guy, but a transgender girl.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

Later, the actress told that for 5 weeks before the start of the filming, she thoroughly got into the role of a man - pulled the chest, lost her face to seem to be thinner, tried to take the "men's" gait and movement, so in the end, the neighbors thought that before them was not Hilary, and her cousin Billy.

For the "guys do not cry" Hilary Syanka received Oscar as the best actress.

Daniel Day Lewis, "My Left Leg"

Removing the film, released in the distant 1989, Daniel Day-Lewis fully entered the image of a writer with cerebral paralysis: the actor did not get up from the wheelchair at all, it was worn along the set, and fed - from the spoon. Before the start of the shooting, Daniel spent two months in a Dublin clinic for patients with cerebral paralysis.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

By the way, in other films, Day Lewis also approached the roles more than serious: for the "boxer" really trained as a boxer, for "in the name of his father" - spent the night in prison, for the "harsh test" - settled directly on the set, where The decorations of the XVII century were built.

For the film "My Left Leg" Day-Lewis received an Oscar as the best actor.

Tom Hanks, "Izgoy"

In the "Izgue", released in 2000, Hanks played a courier named Chuck Noland, which as a result of the aircraft crash turns out to be a modern Robinson Cruzo - alone on a tropical island. To play nolde to the catastrophe, Hanks scored 25 kilograms. Then, after three months of filming on one of the Fiji Islands, Hanks began to lose weight, to be able to play Noland during his life on a desert island. During the year of the hungry existence and training of 6 days a week, Hanks lost weight by almost 30 kg.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

The need to lose weight, then rapidly gain the weight for the sake of roles in the end ensured that Hanksu is extremely unpleasant illness - type 2 diabetes. At the filming of "Fromgoing", Hanks eventually ended up for several days in the hospital because of the staphylococcal infection.

For "Zagoy" Hanks received his third over the decade "Oscar" - before that there were awards for "Philadelphia" (1993) and "Forrest GAMPA" (1995).

Charlize Theron, Monster

In the real events of the film "Monster" 2003, Charlize Theron looked almost unrecognizable. For the sake of actress, it was necessary to gain 15 kilograms, shave the eyebrows and on the set wearing an artificial jaw on the set. "I never did anything like that," I later remembered Charlize about this role, for which Oscar received as the best actress.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

Robert de Niro, "Mad Bull"

To play the legendary boxer Jake Lammott in the sports drama of 1980, Robert de Niro (who personally suggested to remove this film Martin Scorsese) had to gain weight very quickly - 30 kilograms for 4 months. De Niro went to a peculiar "gastronomic journey" in Italy and France, and, literally, not ceasing, for 4 months I could have grown from 72 kilograms to 108.

"The first kilograms 7 were the most simple remaining - very hard work," recalled later de Niro, emitted with heavy and fatty dishes for several months. Three times a day, the actor eaten a large portion of macaroni with meat, fried on the oil, for dessert used a calorie cream ice cream, and I was drinking everything with a beer.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

If Robert de Niro's fans and ice cream fans of Robert de Niro seems to be a real holiday, think about something: the shooting of the "mad bull" was constantly interrupted, because the rapidly gained kilograms immediately affected the health of the actor - he was hurt to stand for a long time, he was difficult to talk long. He constantly littered. One day, there was a few weeks to "frozen" shooting from fears for the state of Robert.

But in the end, for the "mad bull" de Niro received the "Oscar" as the best actor.

Jared Leto, "Dallas Chub Buyers"

In the Drama "Dallas Club of Buyers", released in 2013, summer played a woman transgender Raion. To embody on the screen, the image of a patient AIDS transgender, summer has lost weight by almost 20 kilograms. To this end, as the actor himself admitted, he simply ceased to eat and eventually lost up to 57 kilograms.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

Before shooting, Jared Summer was part of the image, "trying on" the role of Rayon in public and checking whether he could pass for a woman. Also, the actor never came out of the image for 25 days of filming, shaved all her hair on the body (including eyebrows) and changed the voice of the voice.

All these victims provided Jared Oscar as a better actor of the second plan.

Matthew McConaja, "Dallas Club of Buyers"

Along with Jared, summer, his colleague on the shooting area of ​​the Dallas Club of Buyers, McConakhi was also forced to lose weight - and eventually dropped almost 24 kilograms for the role.

6 months before the start of the filming of the "Dallas Club of Buyers" McConaehi literally locked at home in Texas so that no distracting factors are prepared for the role. At this time, the actor humid on average by 3.5 kilograms per week, feeding by tiny portions of fish and vegetables.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

Lose weight up to 70 kilograms, McConah began to notice that he had vision problems. However, even this did not scare the actor, and in the end he lost up to 67 kilograms, after which he later could not do more than 5 push ups at once or run more than 10 meters - his weakened organism could not carry out loads at all.

Fortunately, Matthew has enough strength to take the Oscar statuette as a better actor.

Christian Bale, "Machinist"

Christian Bale's for the role of the role of insomnia Trevor Reznik in the psychological thriller "Machinist" was forced to lose weight by 30 kilograms. 4 months before the start of the filming of Bale, the growth of which is about 180 centimeters, and the normal weight, respectively, 80 kg, began to lose weight - and lost up to 60 kilograms.

Life in a wheelchair, hunger strike and blindness: what the actors go for the sake of

The most interesting thing is that the role initially was intended for the owner of a smaller growth, but Bale insisted that he could lose weight, and for several days I survived only on the water, 1 apple and 1 cup of coffee per day.

Unfortunately, for the "driver" Bale did not even receive nominations for Oscar.

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