Jamie Fox ridiculed "Racist" scandal around Oscar


"All these conversations around" Oscar "- I don't even pay attention to them. What is the problem actually? "Fox stated in his speech to the American Black Film Festival Awards last Sunday.

However, in order to once again not annoy the public "uncomfortable" theme for jokes, the actor very quickly took a serious tone - and remembered Sydney Poitiers, the first black actor in Hollywood's history, who received Oscar:

"Literally a couple of weeks ago, I talked to Sydney Poitiers, and in 1963 everything he asked was just the opportunity to play. In fact, it's all that we need is an opportunity. If the directors will cut the camera and say "Okay ... and now - win a reward ... and ... Motor!" - It will be even not one step back, and ten. In fact, the main thing is art. And who cares about something else? "

Fox is one of the few dark-skinned Actors Hollywood, who really worries exclusively art (at least he said). Actress Jada Pinkett-Smith and director Spike Lee had already announced that the principle would not come to Oscar, and Tyreiz Gibson, the Furious Star 7, and at all suggested Chris Rok to demonstratively to abandon the role of the master "Oscar".

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