Johnny Depp is ready for the fifth "pirates"


In May, the producer of the project Jerry Brookhaymer told La Times that he began to develop a script, but without depp, the film will not see the light: "It all depends on the scenario, because Johnny does not want to disappoint the audience and take a bad picture. Of course, the film will not work Without captain Jack Sparrow. "

Moreover, it became known that the producer has already met with the rest of the "Pirates" team to discuss the draft scenario. The fact that Depp rates the storyline of the fifth film was not reported. The actor representative also does not comment on this.

We will remind, earlier Depp stated that it was not ready for shooting the next tape: "This is not the film that I could say:" Let's start shooting right now to finish for Christmas 2012 ". We should stand the pause. The picture should be special , like the whole series, which is special for me. "

The adventure comedy "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores" was published on May 18, 2011, earning over 3 billion dollars in global boxes.

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