Scientific and technical progress in cinema


All three recognized the inevitability of substantial transformations in the modern film industry.

James Cameron confirmed his persistent intention to remove the two continuations of the Avatar using a higher frame rate (from 48 to 60 per second) than was traditionally accepted. The director argues that such an innovation is able to strengthen the feeling of reality, which arises from the viewer:

"3D technology is a kind of window into reality, and shooting with an increased frame rate is the ability to remove the glass from this window. In fact, this is a reality. Stunning reality. "

Head DreamWorks Animation Jeffrey Katzenberg said that it was working to improve the process of computer processing of animation, calling it a "quantum jump" speed and power. Now the animators have to spend several hours, or even days, to obtain the result of their works. But with the introduction of innovation, artists will be able to create and see their work in real time.

"This is a real revolution," says Katzenberg.

George Lucas, discussing the transition process from 2D to 3D technology, said: "We are working on this transformation for almost 7 years. This is not a technical problem, but the need to attract really talented creative people to work. This is a notched technology. And if you want to use it, you must do it right. "

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