"Noah" will become the largest project of Darren Aronofsky


Having completed the work on the "Black Swan" picture, which brought Natalie Portman Oscar Prize for the best female role, the director finally switched to the legendary biblical history about a person who, at the order of God, built a huge ark to save the animal world from a catastrophic flood. History attracted religious scientists for thousands of years, and if the aronophists manage to accomplish the conceived, he will be the first to enter into the legendary figure of Noah on large screens.

However, the director himself argues that the picture will not be too religious, but will reveal the great plot, which the cinema was not concerned. Such a statement gives rise to a reasonable question: will the tape study a biblical figure, presented in a more realistic light, or is she conceived as a film-catastrophe in the style of Roland Emmerich? The Aroneal himself speaks only: "I want to create a film about the big, great event and I think I will succeed."

As for the last rumors about attracting a major role in the draft Christian Bale, the director with a smile answers: "No comment."

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