Sharon Stone spoke about abortion at 18 years old: "I was all in the blood"


In his new memoirs The Beauty of Living Twice, Sharon Stone said that the abortion was postponed at the age of 18. As the actress writes, she got pregnant from his first boyfriend. For the sake of the procedure, she had to go from Pennsylvania to Ohio, because there it was easier to make an abortion.

Stone notes that after an abortion she began abundant bleeding, but she did not tell anyone about it. "I was all in the blood, it was much worse than it was supposed first. I kept it secret and did not tell anyone, "Stone writes.

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When Sharon recovered, she burned bloody sheets and clothing. And later asked for advice in the family planning center. "It saved me: that someone talked to me, I trained me. Before that, no one did that, "the actress writes.

In his book, Sharon also told about health problems that almost cost her life, to humiliate from colleagues, about the harassment of the native grandfather, about career takeoffs and falls.

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In one of the heads of Stone, it tells how the breast tumor removal has suffered, after which, on a rehabilitation operation, a doctor without a knowledge actress put her big breast implants that increased its breasts at least size. "The doctor said that this size is better suited to my thighs. But he changed my body without my consent, "Sharon shared.

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