Scarlett Johansson was justified for an interview about political correctness: "I support racial diversity"


"My interviews twisted for Klikbeit and snatched my phrase from the context," said the star from Variety. "The question I was answered in a conversation with the artist David Salle, conceded the confrontation of political correctness and art. Personally, I believe that in the ideal world, any actor must be able to play anyone, and art should remain immispusable to political correctness. This is what I meant".

Scarlett Johansson was justified for an interview about political correctness:

Johansson tried to convey that he was well aware of the difference in the possibilities of the White CisGenther actor and a representative of any minority. "I admit that not everyone has the same privileges as me. And I support and always support racial and gender diversity in any industry, and I will also fight for projects where all minorities are represented, "the actress assured.

Scarlett Johansson was justified for an interview about political correctness:

Let's see if this explanation will arrange an explanation of Internet users, some of which ridicked the star for the desire to have the opportunity to play a tree or animal, and condemned for hypocrisy, given that she was afraid to play a transgender after the wave of perturbations on the network.

Scarlett Johansson was justified for an interview about political correctness:

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