FIRST Personnel: Scarlett Johansson on the filming of "Black Widow"


It is noteworthy, but Marvel Studio has not even announced the strata shot and did not give any comments on what to wait for fans from the "black widow". Some insiders suggest that the plot action will unfold between the "war infinity" and the "final", others make bets on the fact that the tape will return the audience to the events of the "confrontation." The third, looking at the film film, expect the appearance of another black widow, namely Elena White, which Romanooff will train himself on shift.

Obviously, Jacqueline Schaeffer has already completed work on the script. Whether the events of the "Final" have influenced the fate of the black widow, in which she gave her life for the opportunity to get the stone of the soul, it is definitely unknown. However, the "Avengers" scenarios admitted that they initially planned to leave the heroine alive. The premiere of Kinokomix is ​​scheduled for 2020, however, the exact release date has not yet been announced.

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