Lily James and Matt Smith caught together for the first time after rumors about the break


Paparazzi found Lily and Matt in a good arms. At one of the photos, James smiles, while Smith looks at her with interest. Nevertheless, the couple seemed to retain the distance during the walk. But this may be due to the generally accepted social distance in the continuing coronavirus pandemic.

In December, Lily and Matt provoked rumors about breaking relationships, because several months did not appear in public together. During this time, Lily saw in the company Max Lanesselly after Aftepati British Fashion Awards.

They came out together, but then Lily sat in a taxi on their own. She kept her head lowered, as if she did not want to be photographed with him,

- Specified the source. And Smith was seen in the company with their colleague on the series "Crown" Claire Foy, although experts claim that they are just friends.

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Rumors about romantic relations between James and Smith went back in 2014. Then they debuted on the red carpet as a couple at the beginning of 2015. Since then, Lily and Matt jointly worked on some film projects.

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