"I want to be kept": Alena Vodonaeva told what relationship wants with men


Renkel asked Alena, whether rumors were true that her first wealthy spouse helped her settle in the capital and to achieve her position. "I bought my first apartment in Moscow before the first husband, being on the project" House 2 ". My husband was just my husband. Even with him, I myself bought expensive bags, dear shoes, "replied to Vodonaeva. She explained that 6 thousand dollars received for participation on the TV project, thanks to which she was able to transport mother and grandmother to the capital.

However, the star itself wants to be the content and declares it straight. "I want this. I really want to relax - sit, exhale, and so that I was posted. I want, but I work all the time. If someone is nice to think that I am the content, then I am happy, because I myself want it myself, "the leading Alain assured.

The financial question has negatively affected family life with the second spouse of the star Alexei Komov. About the reasons for divorce with him, Vodonaeva told subscribers to Instagram and admitted that the reluctance of her husband earned her more affected her decision to divorce her.

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