Alena Vodonaeva spoke out about the scandal around the inheritance Zhanna Friske


In his author's column, on the portal "7 days" Alena subsid for the fact that even 4 years after the departure of Zhanna, the question of her inheritance is still an edge. Recall that in 2014 the treatment of the singer was opened by the collection of funds, and very quickly fans all over the world collected 25 million rubles, the fabulous amount. Most of the money, parents and whispels did not have time to spend the treatment - Zhanna died on June 15, 2015. When the grief a little accumulated, "RusFond" demanded to return a total of 21 million rubles, the funds for which parents and the beloved could not report.

Alena Vodonaeva spoke out about the scandal around the inheritance Zhanna Friske 108265_1

Instead of rally, the family scandal was submitted for everyone to review. Then, in addition to the inheritance, it turned out to be something more cooking on Konou - a guard over the kid Plato. As you know, the son Friske remained with his dad Dmitry Shepelev, but the parents of Jeanne do not lose their hopes to reunite with the only grandson. "I am for the fact that family conflicts are solved behind closed doors. I was very hard survived Zhanna's care. But what is happening with her family now hits the heart even more. So should not. After all, no money cost the ability to hug a little man, so similar to your favorite daughter ... "," the ex-participant "House 2" said.

There is no doubt that Vodonaeva in the current situation is still taking the side of Dmitry Shepelev and sincerely believes that Zhanna's relatives will be able to establish relations with a person raising them with "blood".

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