Nicely young: Alena Vodonaeva commented on rumors about the novel with Gufom


Anokhina in his Instagram, without choosing expressions, again accused the actress and the TV presenter in lies. There was a rumor in the network that Vodonaeva decided to take revenge on Ayze's sharp and spent the night with her former husband Guf. Alena, whose family is experiencing not better than the best times (her father had a kidney stones), for some time did not react to spicy rumors, but then spoke in an ironic manner inherent in her. "Why is Guf? Well, I think I would attribute someone to me, Rapper Face, for example. He is pretty at least, "36-year-old lead wrote. We add that with 39-year-old Alexei Dolmatov, also known as Guf, Vodonaeva supports exclusively friendly relations. But the 21-year-old Rapper Face seems to have every chance to get a free lioness. However, Alena has been happily harmonious for almost two years with Alexey Kosinus and does not plan to divorce.

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As for the very idea of ​​revenge, it seems more than inappropriate: Isa and Guf parted back in 2013. Now the girl is connected by a legitimate marriage with a businessman and surfer Dmitry Anokhinov, with whom Grow a common son and enjoys life to Bali.

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