Test: What name would come to you most?


And you want, we will tell you what name would come to you more than others? Surely you have a couple other favorite names. Such who would like to be called or called their children themselves. But in fact, this is so difficult: to decide what the name give a child! After all, this is the solution for all his life! This is what he will go through this life. And on how you call it, much will depend on. If you believe what they say about the meaning of names, of course. You can not believe in it. This is a purely personal and individual. We, for example, do not believe that the name has more influence on life than the person himself. In our humble opinion, a person determines that he got a name or not. And nothing on the contrary! But nevertheless, the name is important. This is responsible. You can not call the child ababa as soon as because the word liked. After all, the child will also suffer from ridicule peers in kindergarten and at school, and maybe all his life. Over this issue you need to think very well before making a decision. Our test will only show you what name is suitable for you, based on some features of your character, which will also tell when it will form a response.

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