Psychological test: who are you in color associations


For example, it is believed that the red color contributes to excitation and not always positive, up to aggression. But you have never experienced such an influence of this color on myself, and feel surrounded by his shades in a completely different way. Do not remember this? In general, there are entire tables from psychologists with information about what and how in our behavior and well-being is affected by one or another color. But in addition to these influences there is also a simple perception, association. And the association is certain of each of each. Our test called: "Who are you in color associations" just and can determine what kind of person you are if you tell him about your associations on this or that color. More precisely, not for anything else, but on the specific colors that the test will also offer. Options for which associates may arise, will also be provided to you. Everything is very simple. Look at the color, define with sensations and choose the answer option that is suitable or close to what you feel looking at this color, it is you. The test easily analyzes your answers and gives you a story about what kind of person you are.

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