Test: What chakra do you have dominated?


Do you give the significance of all kinds of information about this? On energy channels in our body, about chakras and similar things? Do you believe in this or consider it just curious? And maybe do not consider anything and just pass by? Our test under the speaking name: "Definition of your dominant chakra" will determine which chakra affects your life to the greatest extent. If, of course, it is interesting to you. But, I think, since you are already here and read these lines, it means that something has already attracted you. So, you will, at least, it is curious to pass this test, answering his beautiful interesting questions, and find out the answer. The answer will not be ordinary too. He will tell you in detail about that chakra, which will be dominant, will collapse exactly how it affects your life, what are you, being under her supervision, and what people around you are seen! And even if you were not interested in this topic, our test would still not leave you indifferent! After all, he raises not some dry scientific facts, he says - I wonder and just about you and about your life, about your relationship with people. But can it be uninteresting?

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