Dueine Johnson and Jennifer Lopez became the highest paying actors 2020


Forbes magazine presented the annual rating of the 100 most highly paid world stars. The publication took into account their income from June 2019 to May 2020. The ranking summarizes the taxes and fees to agents, managers or lawyers.

This year, all the ones who have fallen together earned $ 6.1 billion - this is 200 million dollars less than last year. Probably, the coronavirus pandemic was influenced, because of which almost all projects were suspended. The publication notes that next year "most likely will not be better."

Among the representatives of the film industry in the ranking distinguished Dwayin Johnson and Ryan Reynolds, earned 87.5 and $ 71.5 million, respectively. The following lines were taken by Mark Wahlberg - 58 million dollars, Ben Affleck - $ 55 million, Vin Diesel - $ 54 million.

Jennifer Lopez turned out to be among women in the list of actors, which in the last year earned $ 47.5 million, Sofia Vergara - 43 million dollars and Angelina Jolie - 35.5 million dollars.

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And the most rich celebrities this time became Kylie Jenner ($ 590 million) and Kanye West (170 million dollars). At the same time, Forbes recently deprived Kylie the status of the youngest billionaire, recalculating her income. According to new data, Jenner's condition is estimated not billion, but 900 million dollars.

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