Son Angelina Jolie Maddox returned to the family due to coronavirus


The eldest son Angelina Jolie Maddox returned home from studies at Jonsey University in Seoul, as classes were abolished due to coronavirus. Now the 18-year-old student is sitting at home and uses free time to learn Korean and Russian languages. And also spends time with younger brothers and sisters.

Angelina itself, like many celebrities, is trying to contribute to the fight against pandemic. She recently sacrificed a million dollars of the NO Kid Hungry organization, which provides food in low-income families.

As of this week, more than a billion children around the world do not go to school due to the fact that they were closed in connection with Coronavirus. Many of them are very dependent on nutrition and care, which was received at school. In America, almost 22 million children rely on school support. Now no kid hungry makes efforts to maintain in need

- PEOPLE quotes Angelina.

Son Angelina Jolie Maddox returned to the family due to coronavirus 108833_1

Jolie also made a donation to the UN system on refugees and sent support to schools she finances, in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Kenya and Namibia to help them continue their studies in a pandemic.

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