El Legado de Bourne or how to watch movies in Madrid


Perhaps the main question that took me in Spain from the very beginning - where to watch the original version of the movies? It turned out that almost all cinemas show duplicate films. V.O. (Version OriginalE) goes only in several cinemas. In particular, I recommend paying attention to Yelmo Cines Ideal 3D, which is located in the heart of the city, close to the Major Square.

It is noteworthy that here all sessions begin after 15 hours. When I approached 20 minutes before the start of my session, the cinema was closed (see the main picture), and the crowd of American, British and Asprint tourists gathered before the entrance.

Before the session - 12 minutes of advertising, as reported in the ticket. We showed us the videos of "Argo", "Remember everything", "everyone has a plan" (with Viggo Martinsen), as well as the Norwegian "head hunters", which in Russia have already been hired.

I was in many european cinemas, but what was surprised me, so it's a sorry to enter WC directly from the audience. Convenient, what is there. The viewer is as always quiet and civilized, does not chat, the titers inspect until the end and even the SMS do not allow themselves to write to shine phones and do not interfere with others.

Same "Evolution Born" liked. I think that no one is waiting for the appearance of Matt Deimon, and it is not necessary. Jeremy Renner copes perfectly with his task, and Jason Bourne is invisibly soared next to him as a keeper angel. In fact, Renner with the director Tony Guilroy (who, by the way, wrote scenarios to all Born-history) created a new, very charismatic hero - Aaron Cross. The perfect fighter, the perfect weapon, which comes out of the control of the state. It looks great, a pair of Renner Weiss is noticeable that they were comfortable to work together. The film does not have a pronounced love line, but all chemistry goes even from how Aaron takes March from time to time. The key scene is the pursuit of motorcycles on Manila - a little disappointed. In general, the question appeared with us a new hero, worthy of Bond laurels, Itanan Khanta and Born still remains open. In order to win the love of viewers, the magic tablets are not enough. Alas.

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